As everyone knows, my little brother Motz is getting married in about a month from now. Whether or not we could/would attend the blessed event has been a long-standing discussion at our house. After all, we've been here at our post for less than a year, and I had made a few rash comments about "no more international travelling till the children are teenagers" and that sort of thing. So we debated. Weighed the pros and cons. Prayed. Waited. Asked advice. Checked prices. Prayed some more. And then we began to get letters from home with comments like, "We can't wait to see you all [emphasize: all] in April!"
Plaintive sigh.
Now that tickets have been purchased, I decided to go ahead and publish our plans on the World Wide Web to clarify all assumptions once and for all. Yes, we are going to the wedding, Lord willing. In this case, the "we" being Tim and myself and the two children who are the farthest from being teenagers. For various reasons -the most obvious being the fact that we're leaving some of our family here- this will not be a trip to spend lots of "quality time" with family and friends. In fact, plans are to spend a total of four days in our hometown. So if you're of the very
observant type, there's a small possibility that you will catch sight of us somewhere, sometime between April 5-8. In spite of the very limited time, we look forward to seeing some of you and if we fail to tell you then, please know that your friendship, prayers, and support are greatly treasured.
And remember, you can always come spend time with us here! We're certainly not tired of visitors yet, especially not the kind that come from home!
good thing I read your blog update or I wouldn't have known till Sunday! :P
turns out my folks knew it all along. I think I'm the most uninformed in my house! :P
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