Today I want to honor two beautiful people... Hilda and Anika. Just yesterday, these very brave girls said good bye to their Daddy/Husband as he headed back into the swamps of La Moskitia in western Honduras. They might not see him or talk to him for a month as he treks through the marshy wilderness, distributing Bibles and doing door-to-door visitation among the poor Indians. The glamour of missionary adventures fades very fast when a little girl begs for her beloved Daddy and a wife longs for that familiar shoulder to lean on. Sometimes Hilda wails, "But I'm
not brave!" -unaware of the sweet grace of God that we see pouring from her life. Her cheerful spirit is like a burst of sunshine and she never fails to inspire me, challenge me, and make me laugh! Join me in thanking God for brave missionary wives like Hilda... your prayers are greatly appreciated!
Thank you God, for Hilda and Anika. Please bless them and comfort them and give them grace. Guard Wayne as he does Your work in La Moskitia and keep him "safe" in the palm of Your hand.
~Amanda R.
I join you in honoring these lovely ladies! We pray for them lots, as well as for the man of the family, trekking through the wilds. Bless you, Hilda!
I have good memories of my last evening in Honduras :) although it was a little disappointing that we missed Wayne by an hour.
Thanks Hilda for being willing to sit in on the late discussion and for giving your input.
God bless you with strength and courage.
My thoughts and prayers...
Oh Hilda, you and Wayne give me so much deep joy! keep looking up! I pray almost everyday for you. Tears are streaming! You can do this through Christ who strengthens us. Give Anika a big kiss for me. Mom
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