A huge tree falling on a tin roof at five-thirty a.m. makes a racket like nothing I have ever heard before. My first coherent thought was "earthquake", only we weren't quaking. Then I thought a truck must have crashed on the highway, only the noise was much too close by to be that. When Tim looked out the window and announced that a tree had fallen on the apartment, I expected we would be digging Huibertjan -my sister's Dutch boyfriend who was visiting- out of the wreckage. Imagine my relief to see him strolling calmly out of his room, merely blinking at the ruins. (Cheers to the stoic Dutch!)

The porch was completely ripped off, and several holes punched in the kitchen roof, but the block structure remained intact.

The old tree was so rotten at the roots that it merely broke off at ground level. This happened after several heavy rains, although the morning it fell there was no wind at all.

Break time after several hours of sawing. The old frame of an abandoned water tower caught the heaviest blow and directed the tree away from the building, thank God for that!

Clean up was a piece of cake with plenty of helpers!
There is so much to praise God for- no one was hurt, we were at home so we could deal with a broken water line right away, it didn't happen in the middle of the night, (how terrifying would that be?!), and the block walls were not damaged in any way. We felt a bit sad about the loss of the roof, which was just replaced last month by our Ohio friends, but what are several pieces of tin compared to the gift of life?
Thank God for a fallen tree that helps us keep life in the eternal perspective!
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