The poinsettias are blooming on my front porch, right alongside the pink petunias and the geranium.
We mowed the lawn yesterday and the scent of fresh grass was simply delightful.
The garden is producing lovely tomatoes and a bounteous crop of green beans.
Last evening we went to Lucas's house for a service, and despite the mosquitoes, had a beautiful time worshiping under the stars.
After the service, we were served the typical Christmas fare of tamales and Coke. Mrs. Lucas makes some mean tamales, I'm telling you.
Like decent gringos, we went to bed at our normal time, only to be awakened after a few hours by some fantastic explosions. I blinked at the alarm clock which read 12:04, muttered to myself about my hatred for firecrackers, and went back to sleep.
We enjoyed a baked-chicken-and-trimmings dinner today, topped off with sugar cookies and hand dipped chocolates. Afterward, my guys did dishes and I... (whispers) ...rested.
The children played ball and climbed trees and Dave went swimming with friends.
Friends showed up this evening and we shared chicken leftovers and tamales with them. A cup of coffee completed my day, which is why I am up blogging at this hour.
I am delighting in the wonder that "God with us" has become "God in us" and pray that you too are experiencing that joy!
Do you have any idea how often I think back to last year this time, and relive the memories of what was happening during these holidays? Thanks to you for being such a big part of one of the most memorable trips of my life. :) FELIZ NAVIDAD. (Or, as PD would say, FLEAS NAUGHTY DOG. And as Dave Barnes on YouTube says, POLICE NEVER DIE.
Your childrens character sticks out in their expressions. I love it.
And the BLUE sky. I had to thank God for that because I didn't know when I'd see sky that blue on Christmas Day next...
Love the lineup photo! And the insight into your tropical Christmas, although I am a fan of a snowy one myself.
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