All day long I listened to her chant... "My buth-day soon! I wanna piñata! Where's my cake? Blow my candle! Gwamma sent it!"

"Gwamma" really did send this package, so she had at least one wrapped present to open!

Cozy new clothes, a notebook of her own, and crayons. Unfortunately, Mandie still thinks crayons are for breaking and unwrapping and chewing; no, they didn't last long!
Her favorite toy was the little kitchen set her Daddy got her with lots of dishes and plastic food. Every few minutes she announces, "I gonna play wif my buth-day toys!" and off she trots to the play room.

When you're two, what is more delightful than party cake with lots of sprinkles? Thank you, "Mimi"!
And now... we are off to learning how to read. No, wait- better make that potty training. Waa!
Happy Birthday Mandy!
I absolutely adore the last foto of Mandie! Happy birthday, Mandie Jane! I miss you!
party hard and eat lots of cakey!! life is good!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to my dear Mandie !!i miss you so much love you janie the photos made my day
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