This smiling young lady celebrated her tenth birthday last week, can you believe it? The little girl disappears and the lady is emerging (sometimes invisibly, but there, nonetheless!) She is the dependable helper who fulfils the meaning of her name very well...
Diligent and industrious. Emily loves to read, create cards for her family, tidy the house, drink hot tea, and ride bike at full speed. Long division, Mexican food, wearing socks, and washing dishes are not too high on her list of priorities.

Notebooks, scrapbooking stuff, stickers, and a new book to read... this is her cup o' tea! Thanks to the grandmas for remembering this special day. Emily loves gifts!

After her favorite meal of baked chicken and mashed potatoes, we enjoyed this yummy strawberry creme pudding cake. This begins the birthday season at our house... Coming up next is Mandie Jane!
That makes me miss my 'little' Emily very, very much.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Ems. I love you like crazy, and can hardly wait to come see you and show off my NEW WIFE soon. ;-)
Hay Emily, You are getting to be such a nice young lady and a very special one too. I still have your picture on my Cell phone & every time I push a button I see you face. Happy Birthday!!
Pappy B.
Delighted to find your fishbowl. It was so much fun to catch up with your family. My boys stood beside me as I scrolled through the pics and chortled with glee to see their friends. We miss you very much, pray for you often. And did I mention, I am delighted that you are blogging!
Dorcas at the Peights
Thanks, Naomi! Happy Birthday, Emily. Wow. You are much better at keeping us updated on your lives than we are at keeping you updated on ours... though I guess I didn't need to tell you that. We do love you!!!
Just discovered your blog, Naomi, and had a lot of fun reading it. I think of you all much more often than you know. Love to all...
Betty Ann
hi from the peights in SD. I have a wigglind 1 yr old on my lap. thus the message....much love
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