Sunday, December 6, 2009

Because He Lives

...I can face tomorrow/ Because He lives, all fear is gone/ Because I know He holds the future/ and life is worth the living just because He lives! (William and Gloria Gaither)

I certainly didn't expect to be posting about the miracle baby again so soon, but this time it is to announce her home going. Yes, she is safe forever in the arms of Jesus! Last week she had a fussy spell that ended with Tim taking them to a doctor here in town. The doctor prescribed medicine for colic and sent her home. She calmed down and slept until late at night and then she once again began to cry until she was nearly blue. Her anxious parents called Jeremiah who took them back to the same doctor. Seeing her bluish color, the doctor said he thinks she might have a heart condition and urged them to go to the hospital as quickly as possible. On the road, as her daddy held her against his chest, he suddenly felt her clutch his neck and give a little shudder. He knew at once that she was gone. They continued to the hospital and confirmed that life had fled, and then there was nothing to do but make the sad trip home. It seems that at her six-week checkup the pediatrician had told Ricardo that she had a heart defect, and if she would live to be five months old they would consider surgery. Ricardo didn’t tell anyone about this, possibly because he refused to accept it, but more likely he simply believed that God would continue His series of miracles in little “Milagro”. Even now, I am groping for words to convey the grief and anguish that all of us felt during those first few hours. What do you say to a father who loved his child as few men love their children, and now bends over her tiny body, stroking her hands and dripping tears onto her still-soft cheeks? How do you comfort a mother who daily praised God for her “little miracle”, and now sits writhing with sorrow? And what of the eleven year old girl who, such a short time ago beamed with pride over her baby sister, now hangs over the tiny coffin, quivering with sobs??? We prayed, we cried, we asked questions, we dug the grave and built the coffin… and we trusted God. I suddenly understand why Job, in the midst of his calamities, “fell down upon the ground, and worshiped.” Worship comforts and heals like nothing else. God is still good, and kind, and full of compassion. Best of all, God is a Redeemer, and He is completely worthy of our trust! We are inspired and humbled to see Ricardo and Rosi rise up and praise God and declare their faith in Him! In every church service this week, Rosi requested the song, “Because He Lives”. Every morning Ricardo wakes at the time he normally gave the baby her bottle, and immediately these words come to his mind and comfort him. Please pray that they will continue to cast themselves on God!

For pictures and video clips, go here.

1 comment:

Dorcas said...

tears and prayers