Saturday, October 18, 2008

Today's Derek Moment

How do you explain the term "punish" to a three year old? In devotions we have been reading Bible stories about the sufferings and death of Jesus. This morning we came across the thought that Jesus took our punishment for us, which provoked an interesting discussion. "Punish is when we spank you for doing something wrong," we explained. "Or when a man kills another man and he has to go to jail, that is a punishment." Derek nodded eagerly. "And when a car hits someone, that's punish, right?" No... That would be an accident. We tried again. "Punishment is paying for your sins." Pause. "Oh, and sometimes you need lots of money-?" (Chuckles.) We'll try again another day. Ideas, anyone?
The idea that Jesus is coming to earth to take us to heaven is a little more comprehensible and fascinating. Derek agreed that it will be great to go with Jesus, "If he has little children for me to play with!"


Anonymous said...

Buggy Noam !!! I discovered your blog. It is delicious !!! we love you and pray for you. Iva

Anonymous said...

We are delighted with this new development! We'll be in touch for real, soon.

Unknown said...

hey, Naom, So good to see into your lives again. I miss you like crazy!!! I'm sorry you don't hear more out of us... I actually have a letter started, and hope to get it typed out one of these days!!! Love you much.....Rhonda

Anonymous said...

The boys and I were talking about heaven today, trying to decide if there will be worms there... (They hope so.) I told them what Derek wants in heaven,and Greg volunteered, "Derek can play with me as long as he wants to in heaven."